Eating alone is weird?

Article: "Looking for a friend to eat with"... new college semester brings new requests

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

Talks about how Korean society tends to look at anyone who eats alone as weird or outcast so college students are posting on community boards looking for people to eat with when their friends are busy.

1. [+533, -7] There are a lot more people who eat alone than you think and it's not that bad

2. [+542, -30] I feel more bad that these students are so weak minded that they can't even eat a meal alone because they're so afraid of what others will think of them than the fact that they don't even have a friend to eat with.

3. [+462, -8] It's awkward eating alone at first but it gets okay once you get used to it

4. [+31, -1] It's easier to eat on your own than having to match time and wait for someone to eat with. It only feels like you're alone because you see it that way but others don't care about you.

5. [+30, -2] I bet only Koreans feel embarrassed about eating alone

6. [+21, -1] It's not the people who eat alone that are weird but our Korean society for viewing people who eat alone as weird

7. [+15, -1] I think they're both idiots. The fool for not being able to eat a meal alone and the fools for looking at someone like that and thinking they're pathetic for eating alone. You're an adult, start acting like it.

8. [+15, -3] Koreans are so weird... what's wrong with eating alone? You can eat at your own pace, eat however much you want... I always thought it looked so romantic whenever I saw Western college women sitting alone drinking coffee on her campus..

9. [+12, -3] I think eating with someone you don't know would be more awkward... what's wrong with eating alone, have some confidence ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+10, -0] I understand if this was junior high but this is college... you can just eat alone while pretending to stare at your phone or read a book..
